Understand Python Lambda Function for Beginners – Python Tutorial

By | August 24, 2019

Python lambda function can allow us to create an anonymous function, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to use lambda correctly for python beginners.

python lambda examples and tutorials

As to a python function, there are three key points::

Function parameters: these parameters will be passed into function.

Function body: the main process of function.

Return value: the value of function will return.

As to a normal python function, function name is also a key point.

However, we can use python lambda function to create an anonymous function, which means this function does not have a function name.

Lambda is defined as:

lambda arguments : expression


arguments are function parameters will be passed into a function.

expression is the function body.

The result of expression is the return value of a function.

For example:

x = lambda a, b: a *b

y = x(4,5)


a, b is the parameters.

a * b is the function body.

The result of a * b is the return value.

x is an anonymous function.


The type of x is: <class ‘function’>

The result of:

y = x(4,5)

is 20.

This lambda expression is equivalent to

def compute(a, b):
    return a * b

compute is a normal function, compute is the name of a function.

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