Python can create a gif with some images using moviepy, here is an tutorial.
Python Create GIF with Images Using MoviePy: A Complete Guide – Python Tutorial
However, we can find moviepy use imageio library to create a gif. How to create a gif with images using imageio? In this tutorial, we will tell you how to do.
Import library
import imageio
Define a gif file
giffile = 'demo2.gif'
In this example, we will save images to a gif file demo2.gif.
Load images
images_data = [] #load 10 images for i in range(10): data = imageio.imread('E:\\video-images\\'+str(i+1)+'.jpg') images_data.append(data)
Here we will use imageio.imread() to read image data to a list. In this tutorial, we will read 10 jpg images.
Create gif with images
imageio.mimwrite(giffile, images_data, format= '.gif', fps = 1)
We can use imageio.mimwrite() function to create a gif image with some images. To understand how to use imageio.mimwrite(), you can refer to this tutorial.
Understand imageio.mimwrite() with Examples for Beginners- ImageIO Tutorial
This is a gif preview.