Notepad++ is a powerful editor, it is also a python editor for python programmers. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to edit and run python script by it.
You should install Notepad++ and python first.
To install python, you can read this tutorial:
Install and Use Both Python 2 and Python 3 in Windows with Anaconda
Create a python file
You should open notepad++ and create a python script, here is an example:
import time text = 'this is' print(text) time.sleep(5)
Then we will introduce how to run this python script by notepad++.
Press Run or F5 on the notepad++
You can start to clicking run or press F5 to start to run python script.
Set the path of python script
As to our python environment, the absolute path of python.exe is:
Then you can add this string in the input box below:
C:\Users\fly165\.conda\envs\py3.6\python.exe $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)
Where $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) represents the current file, which means if you want to run a python script, you should foucs on this file.
Moreover, if the type of current file is not .py, you will can not run it.
Save command
We can save our command that runs python script with the name: Run Python.
Here is an example:
Then you can Press Alt+F7 to run python script on notepad++.
In this tutorial, the resutl of python script is: