In tensorflow, tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected() allows us to create a fully connected layer. In this tutorial, we will discuss some details on it.
tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected() is defined as:
tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected( inputs, num_outputs, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, normalizer_fn=None, normalizer_params=None, weights_initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer(), weights_regularizer=None, biases_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), biases_regularizer=None, reuse=None, variables_collections=None, outputs_collections=None, trainable=True, scope=None )
It will add a fully connected layer in our model.
Important parameters
inputs: the input tensor
num_outputs: dimensionality of the output, for example: 100
activation_fn: can be relu, sigmoid, tanh etc al
tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected() vs tf.layers.Dense()
tf.layers.Dense() also can create a fully connected layer, however, there are some differences between them.
Understand tf.layers.Dense(): How to Use and Regularization – TensorFlow Tutorial
tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected() will call tf.layers.Dense() in its source code. Here is an example:
Weight in tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected() is initialized by xavier_initializer(). However, weight in tf.layers.Dense() is initialized by glorot_uniform_initializer().
We will use an example to show you how to use and regularize weight in tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(). It is same to be used as tf.layers.Dense().
How to use and regularize weights in tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected()?
Look at this example:
import tensorflow as tf x = tf.random_normal([5, 2, 2]) y = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(inputs=x, num_outputs=10, activation_fn=tf.nn.relu) print(y) for n in tf.trainable_variables(): print( print(n) with tf.Session() as sess: print(
Run this code, we will find:
Weight and Bias in tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected() is called:
fully_connected/weights:0 <tf.Variable 'fully_connected/weights:0' shape=(2, 10) dtype=float32_ref> fully_connected/biases:0 <tf.Variable 'fully_connected/biases:0' shape=(10,) dtype=float32_ref>
In this example code, the dimension of output is 10, which means weight is 2* 10 in tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected().
In order to regularize weights in tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(), you can read this tutorial:
Multi-layer Neural Network Implements L2 Regularization in TensorFlow – TensorFLow Tutorial