In this tutorial, we will introduce how to use adb command to start or stop an apk application in mobile phone. You can learn how to do by following our tutorial.
In order to start or stop an apk application usin adb, you must know the package name and launcher activity name of this apk.
Here is an tutorial:
ADB Find .APK Package Name And Launcher Activity Name – ADB Tutorial
Use adb to start an apk
Having known the package and launcher activity name of one apk, we can start it.
The command is:
adb shell am start -n package_name/launcher_activity_name
Here is an example:
adb shell am start -n com.UCMobile/com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile
Then you will get this result:
Starting: Intent { cmp=com.UCMobile/com.uc.browser.InnerUCMobile }
Use adb to stop an apk
We can use an apk package name to stop it using adb.
The stop command is:
adb shell am force-stop package_name
For example:
adb shell am force-stop com.UCMobile