We can delete files and folders easily on windows 10 by selecting them and pressing del key. However, if a folder contians more than 2,000 files, you may find it will take a long time to delete them. Is there any way to delete them rapidly? The answer is yes.
We can use dos command to delete a file or folder rapidly.
Open cmd prompt
You should open cmd prompt to run dos command.
Delete a file
The dos command is:
del file_path
If there a file in F:\123.txt, then we can use dos del command to delete it.
del F:\123.txt
Delete a folder
The dos command is:
rd /s /q folder_path
For example, if F:\google-pdf\images-1 folder contains 2,000 images, we can use rd dos command to delete this folder rapidly.
rd /s /q F:\google-pdf\images-1
Notice: If you use dos rd or del command to delete files and folders, these files and folders will not be sent to recycle bin.