To save python string to a file in python safely, there are somthing you should notice:
1.The encoding of this string
2.Be sure the string has been saved
In this tutorial, we will introduce and write an example to show how to save python string to a file safely, you can use our this example in your applications safely.
The encoding of this string
String can be encoded by different content types, such as utf-8, gbk or gb2312. To save this string, you should know the encoding type of this string, otherwise, the save operation will be failed.
Be sure the string has been saved
To be sure the string has been saved into a file, you should process any errors when saving, otherwise, this operation will been blocked.
Write an example to save file correctly
We define a python function to save a file. It is:
def save_to_file(file_name, contents, encoding="utf-8"): fh = None ok = False try: fh = open(file_name, 'w', encoding) fh.write(contents) ok = True print("save ok!", flush = True) except IOError as e: print(e) ok = False print("save fail!", flush = True) finally: #print(type(fh)) try: if fh: fh.close() except: ok = False return ok
How to use this funciton?
file_name: the name of file
contents: the python strin should be saved into file_name
encoding: the encoding of contents