End-To-End Memory Networks in paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.08895.pdf
If you ask me can End-To-End Memory Networks solve time series problem like lstm, i will tell you model in paper(https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.08895.pdf) can not. I call this model is basic memory networks. This model has no time series feature like lstm.
I will tell you the reason.
The basic structure of memory networks like this:
As inputs xi and q, they are simple words and are maped two vectors.
Here we will find mi and u have no time information.
For example:
Sentence A: I like this movie
Sentence B: This movie i like
You will find this two sentenes map to the same mi as to same word in each sentence.
As to pi
You also find sentence A and sentence B are also the same
so as to output o
sentence A and sentence B are also the same, however, if you use lstm, i will find sentence A and B is different in embeding space.
On the other hand, if the input xi and o is time series (pre-processed by lstm or bi-lstm), the memory networks also can time serires problem.