Convert PPT Slide to Images in Python – Python Tutorial

By | April 10, 2024

In this tutorial, we will introduce how to convert every slide in a ppt or pptx file to image using python.


We will use python-pptx and python_pptx_interface.

We can install python-pptx as follows:

pip install python-pptx

We can find python_pptx_interface here. Download it to your project.

python_pptx_interface installation

Convert ppt slide to images

Here is an example code.

from pptx_tools import utils  # needs python-pptx-interface installed
# you should use full paths, to make sure PowerPoint can handle the paths
png_folder = r"D:\workspace-pytorch\00_paperwithcode\images"
presentation_path = r"D:\workspace-pytorch\00_paperwithcode\1015.pptx"

utils.save_pptx_as_png(png_folder, presentation_path, overwrite_folder=True)

Run this code, we will see:

Convert PPT Slide to Images in Python - Python Tutorial

If you get this error:Comptype module needed to save PNGs. You can see:

Fix Comptype module needed to save PNGs When Converting PPT to PNG