Convert Python Script to EXE Using auto-py-to-exe Library – Python Tutorial

By | August 15, 2021

In python, we can use PyInstaller library to convert a python script to exe. Here is the tutorial:

Bundle a Python Application to an EXE with PyInstaller: A Beginner Guide – Python Tutorial

However, it is not easy to use PyInstaller. Is there an easy way to use PyInstaller? In this tutorial, we will use auto-py-to-exe, which uses a simple graphical interface and PyInstaller to convert python to exe.

Install auto-py-to-exe

We can use command below to install it.

pip install auto-py-to-exe

Then we can start it using this command:


We will see a gui window as follows:

Convert python scripts to exe application using auto-py-to-exe library

Use auto-py-to-exe

Here we will convert a python script to exe.

An example to convert python scripts to exe application using auto-py-to-exe library

From image above, we can find that auto-py-to-exe will create a pyinstaller command to bundle exe, which make us use pyinstaller easily.

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