Converting Several Images to One Page PDF in Python: A Step Guide – Python PDF Processing

By | June 15, 2020

To convert images to pdf, we can use python img2pdf or pymupdf. However, there is a problem in these methods, which is one image one pdf page. If you plan to convert all images to one page pdf, how to do?

There is a simple method to fix this problem, we can combine images to one image, then convert this image to pdf.

For example:

1.Convert images to a big image vertically

You can refer to this tutorial.

Combine Images to One Image Horizontally and Vertically Using Python Pillow

2.Convert image to pdf using img2pdf

After you have combined image to one image, you can convert this image to pdf using python img2pdf. Here are some tutorials:

Best Practice to Python Convert PNG to PDF for Img2pdf Beginnners

Converting Images to PDF by Python img2pdf without Removing Image Alpha Channel

Then you can find several images is converted to one page pdf.

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