Extract F0 (Fundamental Frequency) From an Audio in Python: A Step Guide – Python Tutorial

By | March 5, 2022

F0 is also called fundamental frequency, it can be used to distinguish the emotion of different persons. For example, paper F0-CONTOURS IN EMOTIONAL SPEECH gives us an exmaple.Fundamental Frequency and emotion

We can find different emotion has different F0 distribution.

In this tutorial, we will introduce how to extract F0 from an audio in python.

How to extract F0 in python?

We can use python librosa to extract.

There are two functions to extract F0 in librosa, they are: librosa.pyin() and librosa.yin().

We will compare them.

compare librosa.pyin() and librosa.yin()

We can find: librosa.pyin() compute F0 using probabilistic YIN, however, librosa.yin() get F0 using YIN.

As to return values, we also can find:

librosa.pyin() librosa.yin()
f0: np.ndarray [shape=(…, n_frames)]

time series of fundamental frequencies in Hertz.

f0: np.ndarray [shape=(…, n_frames)]

time series of fundamental frequencies in Hertz.

voiced_flag: np.ndarray [shape=(…, n_frames)]

time series containing boolean flags indicating whether a frame is voiced or not.

voiced_prob: np.ndarray [shape=(…, n_frames)]

time series containing the probability that a frame is voiced.


We will an example to show you how to use them.

Read a wav audio

Here is the example code:

import librosa
import numpy as np
wav_file = r'F:\1221306.wav'
wav_data, sr = librosa.load(wav_file, sr=8000, mono=True)

The sample rate of this wav file is 8000, single-channel.

Run this code, we will get:


Compute FO using librosa.yin()

Then we can extract F0 using code below:

#extract F0 using yin
f0 = librosa.yin(wav_data, fmin = librosa.note_to_hz('C2'), fmax= librosa.note_to_hz('C7'))

In this code, we should notice:

librosa.note_to_hz(‘C2’) = ~65 Hz

librosa.note_to_hz(‘C7’) = ~2093 Hz

Run this code, we will get:

[1146.45969137 1146.04461105 1146.73431302  668.79892066  615.45648497
  562.96476058  558.14046971 ...... 544.65753385  760.37344188
 2094.17439589 2084.58654002 2205.          887.35019783  884.74519291
  885.03654623  715.84000869]

Why is the shape of fo is 997?

Because hop_length is None, then

    if hop_length is None:
        hop_length = frame_length // 4

Here frame_length = 2048, hop_length = 512.

So 510025/512 + 1 = 997

We also should notice sr=22050, we have not used the sample rate of wav file.

If we use sr = 8000, we will get:

f0 = librosa.yin(wav_data, sr = 8000, fmin = librosa.note_to_hz('C2'), fmax= librosa.note_to_hz('C7'))

We will get:

[ 415.94909437  415.79849834  416.04873035  242.64813448  223.29486983
  204.25025327  202.49994366  200.51790152  200.35671551  419.35011289
  418.36068785  198.91673928 ....... 184.81714292  184.20936447
  185.28837089  196.6593469   428.93107994  474.25675725  477.35569135
  438.61124584  157.25481533  157.23045796  197.60817555  275.87245057
  759.79116404  756.31257688  763.0352532   321.94111486  320.99598836
 1690.94812045  259.7151959 ]

Display F0 feature

We can use matplotlib to display F0, here is an example:

times = librosa.times_like(f0)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set(title='YIN fundamental frequency estimation')
ax.plot(times, f0, label='f0', color='cyan', linewidth=3)
ax.legend(loc='upper right')

We will see:

Extract F0 (Fundamental Frequency) From an Audio in Python - A Step Guide - Python Tutorial

We also can extract F0 using librosa.pyin(), here is an example code:

f0, vid, vpd = librosa.pyin(wav_data, sr = 8000, fmin = librosa.note_to_hz('C2'), fmax= librosa.note_to_hz('C7'))

We will get:

[         nan 415.30469758 415.30469758 242.69934088 223.84553226
 204.08500573 202.90956259 200.57894748 200.57894748 420.13030572
 417.71053322 199.42369775 191.52112393 181.81906999 175.625645
 173.60841241 172.60850154 ...... .6955272  181.81906999
 206.45635927 207.65234879 463.47885582 611.56401673 633.1307752
 727.27627998 361.54373842 237.15608027 255.65002913 252.7136381
 249.8109744  234.43211036 174.61411572 175.625645   263.14114678
 217.47308448 218.73289324 429.95038611 517.24107876 260.11871293
 218.73289324 168.66611791 152.89100418 156.464662   163.86452094
 164.81377846 231.73942791 432.44106336 206.45635927 183.93170582
 184.99721136 197.13312122 429.95038611 474.31216054 477.05982293
 437.46578648 312.929324   157.37105257 197.13312122          nan
          nan          nan          nan          nan          nan
          nan          nan]

We will find there exist some nan value in F0, we should replace them.

f0 = np.nan_to_num(f0)

Then we also can display f0. We will see:

Extract F0 (Fundamental Frequency) From an Audio Using librosa.pyin()

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