We plan to create a customized LSTM model, TensorArray is used in this model. However, when training our model, TensorArray Tried to write to index 28 but array is not resizeable and size is: 28 error occured. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to fix this problem.
How to fix this TensorArray write error?
We used TensorArray object in our code like this:
gen_o = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size= 0, clear_after_read = False, dynamic_size=True, infer_shape=True)
dynamic_size = True, which means the size of TensorArray is changed dynamically. When you insert a tensor into TensorArray, TensorFlow will allocate space to save it. If tensorflow fail to allocate space, this error will occur.
Meanwhile, clear_after_read = False, which mean we will make gen_o TensorArray object exit all time, it can not be destroyed by tensorflow.
In order to fix this error, you can do:
1.The simplest way is to close TensorArray, here is an example:
2.Make your memory space large
3.Make a smaller batch size to train model.
For example, set batch_size = 32