Tutorial Example

Implement Feed Forward Module in Conformer Using TensorFlow – TensorFlow Tutorial

Conformer network is proposed in paper Conformer: Convolution-augmented Transformer for Speech Recognition. In this tutorial, we will introduce its feed forword module and how to implement it using tensorflow.

Conformer Feed Forward Module

The structrue of this module looks like:

The first linear layer uses an expansion factor of 4 and the second linear layer projects it back to the model dimension. We use swish activation and a pre-norm residual units in feed forward module.

You should notice: Layernorm is applied based on pre-norm.

Post-Norm and Pre-Norm Residual Units Explained – Deep Learning Tutorial

How to implement feed forward module?

In this tutorial, we will use a tensorflow 1.x to implement it.

We should notice 1/2 * FFN in conformer block.

Here is an example code:

import tensorflow as tf

class FeedForward_Module():
    def __init__(self, expansion_factor = 4.0, output_reduction_factor = 0.5):
        self.expansion_factor = expansion_factor # enlarge
        self.output_reduction_factor = output_reduction_factor

    #inputs: batch_size * dim, 2dim
    def call(self, inputs, encoder_dim = 512, dropout_rate = 0.4):
        #1. LayerNormalization
        outputs = tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(inputs=inputs, begin_norm_axis=-1, begin_params_axis=-1)
        #2. Dense
        outputs = tf.layers.dense(inputs=outputs, units= encoder_dim * self.expansion_factor)
        #3. swish
        outputs = tf.nn.swish(outputs)
        #4. dropout
        outputs = tf.layers.dropout(outputs, dropout_rate)
        #5. Dense
        outputs = tf.layers.dense(inputs=outputs, units=encoder_dim)
        #6. Dropout
        outputs = tf.layers.dropout(outputs, dropout_rate)
        #7. residual units
        outputs += self.output_reduction_factor * inputs

        return outputs

You may wonder why we use dropout layer but batch normalization after dense layer, you can read this tutorial:

Dropout vs Batch Normalization – Which is Better for Multilayered Neural Network

Then we can evaluate this module.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import numpy as np

    batch_size, dim = 3, 30
    encoder_dim = 30

    inputs = tf.random.uniform((batch_size, dim), minval=-10, maxval=10)
    feednet = FeedForward_Module()
    outputs = feednet.call(inputs, encoder_dim, dropout_rate = 0.4)
    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
    init_local = tf.local_variables_initializer()
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        sess.run([init, init_local])
        np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
        a = sess.run(outputs)

Run this code, we will see:

(3, 30)
[[ 3.245   5.2575  2.0267 -2.7365 -3.1796  2.8685 -1.9953  2.0717 -1.6839
   0.4027  2.4781 -1.7986 -3.9386  5.2049 -2.4076  3.6563  0.3101  4.4532
  -2.4095  3.876   5.1791  1.7626 -1.6007  0.8386 -2.2012 -0.0357  4.9984
  -3.5259 -3.5232  1.5579]
 [ 0.6908 -1.8504  3.9558  3.0444 -2.5875 -2.0062 -3.7148  4.6892 -5.0732
  -0.8936  2.5074 -4.5067  2.5742 -4.1987 -1.786   2.351   5.8096 -3.1629
  -3.3842  1.9663 -1.1548  0.8982 -3.4875 -4.9175  4.2789  4.0092 -1.5448
  -0.9469  1.8976  0.1782]
 [ 1.3729  4.4757 -2.5322  4.694  -4.2836  4.0316 -1.2085 -0.6076  0.0301
   2.1905 -3.5824 -3.7651 -2.0002 -3.8068  1.5397 -1.0683 -0.2866  3.4809
   1.4468 -2.5218  3.7157  0.1056 -1.3569  1.7638 -2.8352 -4.0523  3.7236
  -4.3653  4.2616 -0.0585]]