Is there any way to disable and enable wifi connection on win 10 automatically? The answer is yes. In this tutorial, we will use python to disable and enable wifi connection.
QR code is widely used on internet, python provides some libraries to create qr code. In this tutorial, we will introduce to how to create qr code with image backgourd using myqr library.
WordPress will display post title, author, comments columns et al in all posts list, we also can add some custom post columns to the all posts list. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to add our custom post columns.
WordPress will display title, author, categories and tags et al in all posts list, is there a way to remove some columns? In this tutorial, we will introduce a simple way to remove some post columns for your.
In python we can create our custom exception and raise it. In this tutorial, we will introduce to you on how to create our custom exception and how to raise it.
Ordinary Least Squares is a simple linear model in scikit-learn, in this tutorial, we will write an example to explain how to implement ordinary least squares linear regression for beginners.
Ordinary Least Squares is a kind of linear regression models. It is simple and easy to understand. In this tutorial, we will explain it for you to help you understand it.
Assert statements are convenient ways to insert debugging assertions in python application. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to understand and use it for python beginners.
In this tutorial, we will introduce how to extract the longest common substring from two python strings, you can learn and how to do by following our tutorial.
In python, we can use logging library to save python message into a file. However, there is an problem, we can save the python message into a file, but we can not see them on our console.