The basic of word lemmatization in nltk is not perfect, in this tutorial, we will use word part-of-speech to improve its functionality. You can learn and do by following our tutorial.
In nltk, if you want to improve the efficiency of application, word parts-of-speech is a very useful way. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to tag and extract the parts-of-speech of words in a sentence.
NLTK contains many kinds of parts-of-speech, what are the meaning of them? In this tutorial, we will give you a full list about nltk part-of-speech and their examples.
Word lemmatization can help us to improve the similarity of sentences. In this tutorial, we will introduce on how to implement word lemmatization with nltk. You can learn how to do by following our tutorial.
Python regression expression re.escape(pattern) function can escape special characters in pattern, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to use this function correctly for python beginners.
In python, to replace an old string with a new string, we can use string.replace(old, new) function. However, this function is case sensitive. In this tutorial, we will introduce a way to replace string with case insensitive.
When using python to access a blocked site ( in china), you may get this error: urlopen error [Errno 0] Error. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to fix this error.
Python string.count() function can return how many times of substring in a string. In this tutorial, we will write some examples to illustrate you how to use this function.
In this tutorial, we will propose a new way to fix urlopen error EOF occurred in violation of protocol error: using shadowsocks to open a url and this error does not occur. You can read our tutorial to learn how to fix this error.
Shadowsocks is a powerful vpn application, it can allow us to access some blocked website. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to use shadowsocks to access blocked websites using python.