When you are developing network application using python, you may find this error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘socks’. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to fix this error.
In python, to rename a file, we can use os.rename(old_name, new_name) function. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to do and you also notice os.rename() function may fail for some reason.
numpy.logspace() function can generate geometric series based on base( such as base = 10.0). In this tutorial, we will write some examples to show you how to use this function correctly.
Hilbert matrix is highly ill-conditioned matrix, in this tutorial, we write an python function to generate a hilbert matrix with numpy, you can use this function in your machine learning model.
numpy.newaxis represents a new axis in numpy array, in this tutorial, we will write some examples to help you understand how to use it correctly in python application.
To convert a svg file to png, we can use svglib library, in this tutorial, we introduce how to convert a svg file to png with cairosvg, CairoSVG is more powerful than svglib. You can learn how to convert by referring to our tutorial.
When you are using python cairosvg library to convert svg to png, you may find OSError: dlopen() failed to load a library: cairo / cairo-2 / cairo-gobject-2 / cairo.so.2 error. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to fix this error.
Python svglib can allow us to convert svg file to png and pdf, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to convert a svg to pdf file, you can do by following our steps.
In python, to convert svg to png, we can use svglib or cairosvg library, however, cairosvg need other toolkit to support. In this tutorial, we will use svglib to convert a svg to png.