One of important functionality is to estimate reading time by word amounts in wordpress, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to estimate it. You can learn and do step by step.
In this tutorial, we will use python img2pdf library to convert a png image to pdf file. There exists some errors you must notice. You can fix these errors by reading our tutorials.
To remove image alpha channel, we can use ImageMagick application. However, this way is hard to use in python application. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to detect and remove image alpha channel in python application.
When you are using Magick Wand to operate images, ImportError: MagickWand shared library not found may occur. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to fix this probem.
When you are using python img2pdf to convert an image to pdf file, this error: Refusing to work on images with alpha channel may occur. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to fix this error and convert an image to pdf successfully.
Removing image alpha channel is very important operation before you convert an image to pdf. If you do not remove it, the alpha channel will cause to fail. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to remove image alpha channel with ImageMagick in win 10.
Ignoring SSL Verification in python 3.x can help us to open some unverified urls when we are crawling. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to ignore ssl verification, you can learn and do by following our tutorial.
Like python string endswith() function, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to use python string startswith() function. This function is very useful to help us to filter string.
Python string endswith() function is very useful when you want a string ends with some sub strings. In this tutorial, we will write some examples to help you understand and learn to use it.
In this tutorial, we introduce a simple way to fix python ssl.CertificateError: hostname doesn’t match either of, you can view our tutorial to fix it step by step.