Lyrics site is a collection of many lyrics, which can provide some song lyrics to music lover. So is it a good choice to build a lyrics site for website beginners?
If you are using LSTM or BiLSTM in tensorflow, you have to process variable length sequence, especially you have added an attention mechanism in your model. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to calculate the attention of variable length sequence in tensorflow.
We often train our deep learning models in linux, one of problems we often concern is how much space of memory left in system. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to see free space of memory in linux.
Merge / Join python lists is very common to use in python applications, which can simpfy the process of python lists. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to merge or join them.
Python yield and return statement are common used in python function, both of them can control the execution process of python function, in this tutorial, we will discuss some differences between them.
Enlighter is a widely used wordpress code highlight plugin, however, you may find this error: MooTools Framework not loaded yet when you are using this plugin, in this tutorial, we introduce how to fix this error.
Extracting all urls from a python string is often used in nlp filed, which can help us to crawl web pages easily. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to extract urls from a python string.
Padding a python string up to a fixed length is a very useful programming tip, which often can simplify the processing of strings in python. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to pad python string.
In this tutorial, we write an example to help python beginners to understand python yield statement, which is common used in python application, you can learn how to use this statement correctly by following our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to remove english stop words using nltk, which is help for improving performances of some machine learning models, you can learn how to do by following our tutorial.