When you have logined into wordpress admin dashboard, you may find a wordpress logo on the left top. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to remove it.
There are many models that have improved LSTM, GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) is one of them. In this tutorial, we will introduce GRU and compare it with LSTM.
As to GRU, there is a reset gate in it. Can we remove this reset gate in GRU? If we remove it, the performance of GRU will decreased? The answer is we can remove the reset gate.
In this tutorial, we compare the tf.reverse() and tf.reverse_sequence() then use an example to show tensorflow beginners how to use tf.reverse_sequence().
Bias is often used in neural network, why we need to use it? In this tutorial, we will introduce the effect of bias and explain the reason we should use it in neural network.
Matrix norm is one of important algorithm in deep learning, in this tutorial, we will introduce some basic features of matrix norm then tell you how to calculate it.
In this tutorial, we introduce a web hosting price search engine (Hostyer.com), which can help us to find the cheapest web hosting, vps and servers easily.