When we are developing a wordpress theme or plugin, we have to get some wordpress path information. such as the absolute path of wordpress theme, plugin, style file or home url. In this tutoral, we will introduce some wordpress path functions to get these path or url information.
We often use Autopimize and W3 Total Cache plugins to optimize our wordpress site, however, you may find error that they can not write cache folder. We will tell you how to fix this error in this tutorial.
Tippy.js is a powerful javascript library to create tooltip for web development. You can create a customized tooltip theme for your web application. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to do.
Line chart is common used in data analysis field, it is easy to implement in python. In this tutorial, we will introduce python beginners to understand how to draw a line chart.
If you plan to create a python website spider, you have to extract urls from page content or xml sitemap. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to extract these urls for your website spider.
Python pandas is a good library to read csv file. We will introduce how to read csv data in this tutorial for python beginners. You can learn how to do by following our tutorial.
Python pandas can allow us to read csv file easily, however, you may find this error: UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf-8’ codec can’t decode byte 0xc8 in position 0: invalid continuation byte. We will tell you how to fix this error in this tutorial.
cp936 and utf8 are two character encoding methods. What is the difference between them? We will discuss this difference in this tutorial, which is very useful when you are reading file using python.
Text file, such as .txt, .csv, .xml et al, is encoded by special character encoding (utf-8, gbk, gb2312, …). How to get the character encoding of a text file? We will use a simple python example to show you how to do.