In order to resize a video, we should know the resolution of a video. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to use python moviepy library to get it.
Import python moviepy
We can import python moviepy library as follows:
from moviepy.editor import *
Then, we can use it to get a video resolution.
Open a video and get its resolution
For example:
clip = VideoFileClip(r"test.mp4") value = clip.size # printing size print("Clip Size ", end = " : ") print(value)
In this code, we will use clip.size to show a video frame resolution.
Run this code, we will get:
Clip Size : [480, 360]
It means the width = 480, height = 360
The aspect ratio is 4:3
Moreover, if you wan to know the duration of a video, you can read:
Best Practice to Python Get Video Duration with MoviePy – Python Tutorial