Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.
In this page, we write some tutorials and examples on how to use python to programming, you can build some excellent applications by following our tutorials and examples.
Python can allow us to take screenshot easily. In this tutorial, we will introduce using python pillow library to take a screenshot for python beginners.
Python pillow bbox, which is also called bounding box. It is wildely used in pillow. In this tutorial, we will discuss some basic feature of it to help pillow beginners to understand.
Sometimes, we have to get computer screen size using python, especially, when you want to take the screenshot of computer. In this tutorial, we will write an simple example to show you how to do?
Python pyemd package can help us to calculate word mover’s distance, however, when you are installing it, you may encounter an error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to fix this error.
In previous tutorial, we use python difflib library to compute the similarity of two sentences. However, we also can use python gensim library to compute their similarity, in this tutorial, we will tell you how to do.
Python gensim library can load word2vec model to read word embeddings and compute word similarity, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to do for nlp beginners.
Gensim is an open python library for nature language processing. To use it, you should install firstly. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to install gensim using anaconda on windows 10.
Quartiles in statistics are often used to measure the distribution of data. In this tutorial, we will introduce what it is and how to calculate it for statistics beginners.
Removing javascript and css style in a python string is a common operation if you have crawled a web page. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to remove them by python regular expression.
We often use python regular expression flags in, re.findall() functions. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to use these regular expression flags for python beginners.