Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991.
In this page, we write some tutorials and examples on how to use python to programming, you can build some excellent applications by following our tutorials and examples.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to check a string contains a substring or not, the main way is to use for in operation in python, this function is widely used, you can learn how to do by referring our example.
In this tutorial, we write an example to introduce how to call other exe files in python, you can use os.popen() function to do it. The detail you can refer our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to bind ctrl+key in python tkinter, the key way is to use Control-Key-key, you can learn how to do by referring our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to install .whl file in python. The key idea is to use pip install command. You can learn how to do by following our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to fix python pip install EnvironmentError: Consider using the `–user` option or check the permissions. The key is to run cmd.exe with administrator. You can learn how to fix this error by referring our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to get the python version and intallation python. The main idea is to use sys.executable and sys.version, you can implement it by following our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we will discuss about how to send email to others with attachments by using our outlook email in python, you can learn how to do by following our steps.
In this tutorial, we write an example to show how to send plain text email to others with your outlook email. We analysis the steps and you can send your emails by following our steps.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to fix the error: smtplib.SMTPNotSupportedError: SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server, when you are using python smtp to send email. You can read our tutorial to fix your programs.
In this tutorial, we use sorted function to sort python dict, you can edit our example code and add it to you application by following our tutorial steps.