TensorFlow is an open source platform for machine learning from Google. It can make us to build some AI applications easily. It is a popular deep learning platform in word.
In this page, we write some tutorials and examples on how to use tensorflow, you can build some AI applications by following our tutorials and examples.
In tensorflow, if we want to count the number of each value in a tensor, we can use tf.unique_with_counts() to implement. In this tutorial, we will use some examples to show you how to do.
Normal Distribution (Gaussian Distribution) is widely used in deep learning model. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to compute it in tensorflow.
Linear-Chain CRF, which is also called linear-chain conditional random field algorithm, is widely used for Named Entity Recognition (NER). In this tutorial, we will introduce some basic knowlege on it in tensorflow.
TensorFlow tf.tensordot() is a powerful function to multiply tensors. It allows us to multiply different rank tensors. In this tutorial, we will use some examples to show you how to use this function.