TensorFlow is an open source platform for machine learning from Google. It can make us to build some AI applications easily. It is a popular deep learning platform in word.
In this page, we write some tutorials and examples on how to use tensorflow, you can build some AI applications by following our tutorials and examples.
TensorFlow tf.cumsum() allows us to compute the cumulative sum of the tensor x along axis. In this tutorial, we will use some examples to show you how to use it.
TensorFlow TensorArray.gather() function allows us to get some tensor elements by their indices. In this tutorial, we will use some examples to show you how to use this function.
It is very easy to compute the mean and variance of a tensor in tensorflow. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to calculate using tf.nn.moments() function.
In this tutorial, we will introduce how to fix tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: FindFirstFile failed for error when loading an existing tensorflow model.
TensorFlow tf.pow() function can compute the power of one tensor to another, in this tutorial, we will use some examples to show you how to use it correctly.
Tensorflow tf.where() function can allow us to filter or remove some values from a tensor. However, it may cause gradient nan error. In this tutorial, we will discuss this topic and introduce how to fix it.