TorchAudio vs Librosa, Which is Faster? – PyTorch Tutorial

By | February 7, 2023

Whe we plan to proprocess an audio file, we can use torchaudio and librosa library. However, which is faster? In this tutorial, we will discuss this topic.

TorchAudio vs Librosa

Both TorchAudio and Librosa can allow us to read and save audio files easily. We also can use them to extract audio features, such as mfcc, fbank. However, which is faster?

From article:Julia vs Librosa vs TorchAudio for Audio Knowledge Processing

We can find TorchAudio is faster than Librosa.

Here is the runtime result with different dataset size.

TorchAudio vs Librosa, Which is Faster - PyTorch Tutorial

That means if we plan to process some audio files, we should use torchaudio.