WinEdt Install Latex Package from a Local Directory: A Completed Guide – Latex Tutorial

By | November 26, 2019

When you are using WinEdt to compile a latex file, you may have to install some packages, here is an example.

WinEdt Package Installation

Although we can install these latex packages from internet, WinEdt is not a good choice for downloading and installing latex packages. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to install latex packages from a local directory by WinEdt.

Change package repository to a local directory

You can click Change button and selec a directory like below.

WinEdt change package repository

Select a local directroy

Here we use G:/E1/acm, you also can click Browse button to select others.

WinEdt change package repository to a directory

Download miktex-zzdb files

You must download three miktex-zzdb files in G:/E1/acm first.

These three files are: miktex-zzdb1-2.9.tar.lzma, miktex-zzdb2-2.9.tar.lzma, miktex-zzdb3-2.9.tar.lzma

miktex zzdb files

You can download these three files at:

Then click Finish button.

Notice: If you have not saved these three files in G:/E1/acm directory, you will get a Not a local package repository error.

Not a local package repository

Then you can download other latex packages into G:/E1/acm, and install them from a local directory.

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