WordPress captcha plugin can add captcha in wordpress comments form, login form. However, most of them can not be added in wordpress pages to lock our contents. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to add a wordpress captcha for a wordpress page.
Ad Inserter is one of popular wordpress ads management plugins, it can allow us to insert ads in our wordpress posts easily. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to insert only ads before a html element with max insertion number limited.
Sometimes, we need insert a wordpress category by php code. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to insert a wordpress category, there are some questions you shoud notice.
Cache-Control is a http request header, it tells the browser to cache html resources or not and how long they are cached. you can improve site performance by using Cache-Control.
Cache website images can speed up our website, in this tutorial, we will introduce an easy way to do this: Using a .htaccess file to cache our site images.
WordPress category.php is used to display posts or pages in one category. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to get category object in category.php, then you can customize it to display.
In wordpress, we often use the_title() to display or return the title of one post. In this tutorial, we will introduce you on how to customize this fucntion.
When you are writing article using wordpress, you can add a excerpt content for your post. However, if you do not add, we will introduce you to extract excerpt from post content in this tutorial.