WordPress home_url() can return or print wordpress site home url, in this tutorial, we will introduce how to use this function by using some simple examples.
WordPress get_the_tags() and get_tags() both can get wordpress post tags, however, there are some differences between them. In this tutorial, we will use some example codes to help you to understand them.
Circlular progress bar can be used in statistic field. In this tutorial, we will introduce how to implement a circular progress bar with pure css. It looks like this.
To change the wordpress editor default style with css, you should import your custom css style. How to import your css file? In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to do?
If you plan to design a wordpress adblocker plugin, the first step is to detect ad blocker is enabled or not. In this tutorial, we will introduce a common used method. You can learn and do by our tutorial.
Wordpress default meta widget will display wordpress.org link, if you want to remove it, you should edit this meta widget. In this tutorial, we will introduce you how to edit this widget easily.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to disable wordpress self pingbacks, the best and simplest way is to add a disable code to our theme functions.php, you can learn how to do by followring our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we use three examples to help you to use .htaccess to redirect site http to https, you can refer these examples and edit them in you site. Of course , you also can use a wordpress plugin to do it.
In this tutorial, we introduce some steps on fixing soft 404 error in site, soft 404 is harmful to our site rank in search engine, you can learn how to fix this problem by referring our tutorial.
In this tutorial, we introduce how to submit your wordpress post urls to google when publishing, the key way is to use google ping service to submit a post sitemap. you can implement this functionality by our tutorial in wordpress.